Your Heart Health Is Being Jeopardized By Untreated Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a serious matter. It could be called another one of the “silent killers” (although those who sleep alongside someone with apnea would usually dispute the silent part…). We typically think that we should go to bed, have a good night’s sleep, and wake up refreshed for the next day. For many people, […]

Possible Link Between COVID-19 Mortality And Vitamin D

Right now is a great time to do ANYTHING to help strengthen your immune system, especially if you have concerns about COVID-19 susceptibility. While there currently are no cures or bulletproof prevention measures, your best defense against this virus threat, or any other for that matter, is to keep your own body as healthy as […]

The Oil That Could Reduce Coronary Artery Disease Risk By 21%

When it comes to preparing foods, there are plenty of options for oil on the market to use in cooking. We hear a lot about the health benefits of olive oil, coconut oil and grapeseed oil. There are also concerns with using less healthy options such as soybean, sunflower and vegetable oil blends. And most […]

Slow Heart Rate – The Other End Of Heart Heath

When people are discussing heart issues, be it blood pressure or atherosclerosis or heart attack, most will also be thinking about having an elevated heart rate, or tachycardia. This is commonly associated with diagnoses like atrial fibrillation, SVT, or sinus tachycardia. These are the situations you don’t want. If our heart rate gets elevated, we […]

Is Your “Normal” Thyroid Test Really Telling The Full Story?

When people have weight issues, notice a decrease in energy or are dealing with brain fog, a common thought is usually that their thyroid may not be functioning well. So, they go to their doctor, who will usually run a test for thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). TSH is the hormone produced by your pituitary gland to […]

Need Your Stress Hormones Balanced? Get A Cat!

We spend a lot of time talking about ways to balance hormones through natural health means. Food itself can be used to influence our hormone regulation, as can certain supplements. Exercise is another tool that can increase production of some and decrease others. Even sleep, whether good or bad, can affect levels of our hormones. […]

Looking A Little Deeper Into Causes Of Insomnia

Caffeine right before bed is not a good idea. Neither is spending time on your phone or computer from all the mental and visual stimulation. For many people it’s hard to get a night of good, deep sleep and the first thing to do is eliminate self-imposed reasons why it may be disrupted. Alcohol, sugar, […]

Functional Medicine Care Results Surpass Traditional Medical Care

Maximum quality of life should be what we are all striving for with how we live our lives each day. It’s not good enough to simply “be alive” if a quality existence is ruined by health complications. Chronic pain, poor energy, digestive issues and “just not feeling good” are all symptoms that something isn’t right […]

Should You Be Concerned About BPA Levels In Your Body?

(If you haven’t guessed, the answer is yes!) What is BPA? It stands for bisphenol A, an industrial chemical found in many products people use every day, like plastic containers for food and all types of drinking containers from baby bottles to water bottles. BPA is one of many man-made chemicals classified as endocrine disruptors, which […]

Elevated Fats In The Blood Open the Door For Organ Damage And Early Death

Inflammation isn’t necessarily a bad thing, although the word itself usually invokes the thoughts of something less than desirable in the body. Pain and inflammation usually seem to go together, and nobody likes pain. Inflammation, though, helps signal the start of the healing process. Ever hit your thumb with a hammer, eaten something that irritated […]

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