Potential Hope For A Reliable Early Cancer Detector?

The war with cancer rages on, but there may be a small glimmer of hope as scientists continue to use technology to get a leg up on the continuing battle. The latest development comes from the University of California, San Diego where an experimental blood test that may catch five common cancers years sooner than current methods […]

Blood Test Knowledge To Help Protect Your Heart

Having blood work done regularly to evaluate your current state of health is generally a good idea. However, you have to know what the values mean to be able to put that knowledge to good use. This article will discuss a few values that relate to heart health.  It has become generally accepted that the […]

National Immunization Awareness Month

As August begins it brings with it National Immunization Awareness Month. I would like to discuss some of the vaccines that I believe are safe and most beneficial to the health and wellness of our IFFH community and anyone wanting to prevent illness.  The number 1 on my list is the  Annual influenza vaccination, the […]

Osteoporosis Is Much More Than Just Not Enough Calcium

For anyone who has been diagnosed with osteoporosis, I’m sure the first thought is usually “I must need more calcium”. Understandable, as calcium is the most abundant mineral in our bones. But many more nutrients are needed to make new bone, replace old bone, and keep what we have structurally strong. We also need to […]

Doubled Risk Of Dementia For People With Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Any time we have to deal with a medical condition, it can be very distressing, both physically and mentally. The tough reality alongside that is that many times, one condition will predispose someone to developing another condition. We see it all the time: obesity can lead to heart disease, diabetes can lead to kidney disease, […]

Why Did The Ball Get Dropped In Protecting Your Heart With CoQ10?

Elevated cholesterol levels are still a big problem for many people. Unfortunately, the first line of treatment in many cases, rather than correcting WHY it is high in the first place, is to put a patient on a statin drug. Yes, they have proven that they can improve the number values, but at what cost? […]

Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month

As June comes to an end we need to not “FORGET” to mention it’s Alzheimer and Brain Awareness month! Wear your purple and be aware of the disease that affects about 47 million people.  Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia in the aging population globally.  The study of the disease is still […]

A New Way To Help Fight High Blood Pressure

There are many reasons why someone can develop high blood pressure. Stress, poor diet, too much sodium and being overweight can all be contributing factors, but the list goes way beyond just those few. With millions of people walking around with hypertension, the problem remains a big one that still needs to be addressed. One […]

Another Test May Predict Prostate Cancer 7 Years Earlier Than PSA

Everyone should have a vested interest in protecting their health as much as possible. A key component of that is prevention, meaning decreasing risk for potential future health issues. As men age, one concern should always be prostate health. Prostate cancer is the second most common cause of cancer death in men in the United […]

Reduce Inflammation To Protect Your Brain From Aging

When we think about our brains aging, we typically think of it in terms of our memory not being as sharp as it once was, or thought processes not flowing as smoothly as they had before. We may also experience the occasional “brain farct”, which doesn’t actually involve loss of blood to the area like […]

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