Quiz Completed
Thank you so much for taking that quiz.
We are not playing games and claiming that this simple online Health Assessment is going to diagnose an obscure health condition. This tool is all about gauging your functional health and providing you meaningful feedback.
Within the next 1-2 minutes, you should receive an email to your inbox where we break down your Health Assessment with more information.
This Results email will come from Dr. Jacob Torres, thefounder of the Institute for Functional Health.
If you do not see an email in your inbox from him, please check your Junk or Spam folder, or if you use Gmail it may be in the “Promotions” or “Social” folder.
We have a couple of links in the email that will provide you with more information, and it is common for those emails to get flagged by various email providers.
I would also like to invite you to an upcoming 30-minute webinar that Dr. Torres is hosting from his clinic in San Antonio. On this webinar he is leading an in-depth discussion about how Functional Health is transforming lives by breaking the cycle of medication. I have been on several of these and he will answer as many questions as he can while on-air so come ready to learn.
I am very excited for you to hear this message of change since there are so many who have been let down by the current standard of healthcare in our country. This is truly a revolution in helping patients to Get Well & Stay Well!
The date and time of this webinar changes each week so please click the buttton below to see his upcoming schedule and select the webinar time that is best for you. If you are unable to join us live, we will send you a replay link for you to watch at your own convenience, but you must be registered in order to receive that replay link.
I look forward to seeing you on the webinar and getting your questions answered – Dr. Torres will leave no stone unturned about how patients at the Institute are finally able to restore their health naturally.
Once again, I want to thank you for your transparency in completing this self-assessment and it is a great honor that you have entrusted this information with us.
Register now[tcb-script src=”//events.genndi.com/register.evergreen.extra.js” language=”javascript” type=”text/javascript” async=””][/tcb-script]
In Health,
Dr. Pablo Tagle III, DCInstitute for Functional Health – McAllen Office
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