Get Your Functional Health Score

Take the Quiz. Get Your Results. Take Action.

Welcome to your Functional Health Assessment offered to you by Dr. Pablo Tagle in association with his partnership with the Institute for Functional Health.

This quick quiz was created by the founder of the Institute for Functional Health, Dr. Jacob Torres DC, D.PSc, and it is designed to identify areas of your health where your body may not be functioning at its peak.  We call this process “assessing your functional wellness”.

The value we are able to provide you is completely dependent on your honesty and transparency.  Some of these questions may make you uncomfortable, but rest assured that every question we ask is for a specific reason.

This quiz will cover the topics of Physical Activity, Pain, Emotions & Stress, and Digestion.  At the conclusion of the quiz, you will be asked to submit your name and email address. We will not collect any additional information from you, and within 3 minutes of your submission, your score will be calculated and you will receive an email with our assessment of your current state of Functional Health.

It is important that you provide us an accurate email address because that is how your assessment will be delivered to you.  And if you don’t see our email in your inbox, we suggest you check your spam folder.

If you have any questions or concerns about this quiz, please reach out to Dr. Tagle.  In the interest of full disclosure, this Functional Health Assessment is for informational purposes only and should not be interpretted as medical diagnosis.

Click the button below to get started . . . (estimated completion time: 4 minutes)

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