Is Your Thyroid Giving You Diabetes?

thyroid blog

Our hormones can be a very tricky aspect of our health to manage because many factors of our lifestyle affect them, from diet to sleep patterns to stress levels. But they also can depend on each other to function normally. Think of your hormones like an orchestra. They all need to be “playing in unison” […]

Preventing Childhood Asthma

What if you could prevent asthma in your child before he or she was born? Most mothers would do anything they could to reduce the chance of their child developing ANY kind of heath condition after they were born. Eliminating smoking and avoiding alcohol and unnecessary drugs during pregnancy are always some of the most […]

Signs and Prevention of Dehydration


  Have you ever been dehydrated before? Many of us have at some time in our lives! There are many factors that come into play, and that is why we need to stay mindful of our fluid intake. While sometimes you are able to catch it early on and adjust accordingly, others can be hospitalized […]

An Unhealthy Thyroid Could Lead To Pregnancy Complications

Most women accept that there will be some degree of discomfort at some point during pregnancy and the birthing process. From carrying the extra weight to changes in her body to accommodate a little visitor to the mechanics of the actual delivery, it’s not always going to be a ride in the park. But the […]

Could Red Meat Be Damaging Your Colon?

Dietary modifications. Many times, people bristle at being told what to eat and what not to eat. Sometimes it is for the reason of correcting a health condition, other times it can be a tool for prevention. But ultimately it comes down to a personal choice for each individual on whether or not they may […]

A Wheeze By Any Other Name…

Does that wheeze mean that you have asthma? Do you need medication for it? Overuse of medications is a big problem. Many times, patients are put on a medication and told they are going to be on it for life, discounting the possibility that something other than pharmaceutical intervention may actually help the condition. We […]

5 Easy Ways To Damage Your Gut

I hope you’re not thinking right now that I’m actually going to ENCOURAGE you to give yourself digestive problems! Quite the contrary, we work very hard at our office to help people learn how to heal their GI systems naturally and reduce issues like reflux, constipation and bloating. But many times, those types of problems […]

Are Over The Counter Pills Worthless for Back Pain?

Back pain is one of the most common health problems that people deal with today. Multiple sources have stated that more than 50% of the population will experience it at some point in their lifetimes. People will try all types of remedies to alleviate back pain, from stretching to using ice or heat to hanging […]

Battle of the “Diets”

The most common self-improvement resolution is Weight Loss and Get Healthy.  Yet amazingly, few of us actually become educated enough to make the lifestyle change for more than a few weeks (at best).  That all ends today as this endless search of the most popular fad diet ends. Some diets tell you to eliminate most […]

Psoriasis Improved By Shedding Pounds

Psoriasis is an inflammatory condition characterized by red, itchy and scaly patches of skin that typically affects the outside of the elbows, knees or scalp, although it can appear on any part of the body. Many times it is treated with steroid creams and medications to help alleviate the symptoms and appearance. Being that it is also […]

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